Writer, Board Gamer, Problem Solver.
Writer, Board Gamer, Problem Solver,
I humbly kick @$$.
Scroll down to learn the tale of
Two Tonys.

The Professional me
Post Production Education & Training
Quality Control Digital Cinema
Leadership & Management Client Relations
Problem Solving
I've helped the former head of Mike's Hard Lemonade deliver a feature documentary. I taught filmmaking at the UCLA School of Ethnomusicology. I ran quality control sessions for Deluxe Cinema, where I expanded my skillset to become one of the leading stereo image subtitle operators in the industry. After heading the US team that delivered James Cameron's AVATAR, Deluxe handed me their Quality Control division. I grew the department to be the industry's gold standard.

The Creative me
Despite seeming like a mild-mannered Los Angeles native of Colombian descent, I was raised to believe that the world would meet an apocalyptic demise in the year 2000. The world did not end, but my family imploded when Y2K sputtered out. After a personal rumspringa that’s still waiting for the statute of limitation to run out, I attended UCLA’s film school. I wrote and directed a short that I discussed with Martin Scorsese and that got me mentored by Wes Craven. But then my mother fell ill and I took a series of jobs to help pay for her medical expenses. Before I knew it, I was a successful company man.
But a growing, gnawing dissatisfaction with my life returned me to my love of storytelling. When not hunkered down at my desk writing, I continue to take courses via Script Anatomy, On the Page, and UCLA Extension. If that weren’t enough, I run multiple writing/reading/goals groups because I’m a damn good organizer and an excellent leader (despite being an introvert). And if you ever wanted to try out a board game, all you gotta do is whistle.